Hanchen Wang    |  Publication  |  Misc  |  Bio  |
wang.hanchen at gene.com  |  hanchenw at cs.stanford.edu
Hanchen Wang is a postdoc with Jure Leskovec at Stanford CS & AI Lab and Aviv Regev at Genentech. His first-author work is in Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Machine Intelligence & NeurIPS. He also co-organized events on "AI for Science" in NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR & AAAI. He did a CS PhD at Cambridge in 3 years with Joan Lasenby from Trinity College; a Physics BS from Nanjing with Xinran Wang, where he was the commencement speaker. He secured university admission at 15 while at Suzhou High School. He spent some time in finance, tech & biotech. He's a national athlete in 400m and reads a lot.

王瀚宸是斯坦福计算机系和基因泰克新药研发部门的联合博士后研究员, 师从Jure Leskovec教授和美国三院院士Aviv Regev。 在AI for Science领域,他作为第一作者在Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Machine Intelligence等期刊上发表论文,也在NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML等计算机会议上发表论文、组织研讨会。 他高一从苏州中学保送至南京大学匡亚明学院物理系,师从王欣然教授,毕业时作为学生代表发言。 他25岁时从剑桥大学获得计算机博士学位,师从三一学院院士Joan Lasenby。 他在好些个地方呆过: 金融投行、私募,互联网大厂和生物制药初创公司。他在400米田径项目上是国家三级运动员,爱翻书。